Pacific palisades is a liberal hell hole that is better now that it’s been burned to ash. For every good man’s house that burned a hundred dwelling of deep state satanic freaks were taken out. This is war. Know your enemy. Eliminate them.

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Most of these "actors" are minions of the MIC and GLOBALISTS. Make no mistake this has to do with Los Angeles being the host of the 2028 Summer Olympics and the necessary "S.M.A.R.T. RISILIENT C40 city infrastructure necessary to record all the BIO DIGITAL DATA that is being collected .

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You are sovereign beings here representing the Heavenly realms above in the Heavenly realms below. We are Angelic Humanity. We share "One Common Light!" There is no delineation of race , creed, color, philosophy, religion, status, economic or otherwise. Only the Children of God and the Children of the Sun; "Angelic Humanity." God Freedom! God Love to You all my "Collective!"

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Only demons speak such nonsense. There is no such thing as Angelic humanity. There is only a broken and sinful humanity which, with God’s Grace, can become other Christs. For no one enters Heaven if not a Saint, perfected either on Earth or in Purgatory. This is what Christ’s Church, the Roman Catholic Church, teaches. Anything else is a lie. Praise be Jesus-Christ, True Man and True God.

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President Trump and all the House and Senate, including the California Senate and Congress, need to put into action immediately investigation through the Dept of Justice of the lack of safety for fires in LA County, California as a whole.There needs to be a deep deep dive into the processes, procedures of all involved bureaucratic agencies that caused such horrific results in the fires in California, the devastation of Carolina , the lack of agency support by FEMA for Hurricane damage and all who are facing hardships, including the use of National Guard to stop food and other resources from being delivered and for outside help for those affected by the storms. Including legal action taken against the national guard pilots who used helicopters to cause winds to blow away goods, foods, assistance as it was being delivered to those in need. It is 2025 it is spiritually a year of accountability. This is the year Angelic Humanity retake their planet.

The citizens of California need to sue individually if you have the resources for damages, and the unlawful conduct of the City of LA, the County of LA, the State of California, there needs to be at the least Class Action Suits filed for all who are victims of the lack of sustainable safety for those who are not, "illegal aliens" . There needs to be Class Action Suits against the Mayor, Office of the Mayor, the Governor, the Office of the Governor, the Office of Water Works, the Office of the Fire Dept for not insuring that there were adequate resources to fight fires; including but not limited to the lack of water in the hydrants, the reservoirs, the fact that California sent fire fighting equipment including planes to Ukraine same time frame as the worst fire season, and worst part of the years historically for fire outbreaks. You need to all File Class Action Suits against the Office of the Governor, the Governor, the Cities and Counties you live in as the ' Governor Newsome family ties profits off of the Billions of Dollars that alledegly have been paid Newsome and others of the leadership for new transportation system that is not even started, defietly not finished or under construction. The Billions of taxpayer dollars that were spent to create a High Tech internet system for the California taxpayers, yep not done, not even started from what I have been told. Governor Newsome actually said, " I am not looking for whose to blame, I just want to get things fixed." (of course this is not a direct quote; but research will prove words of intent motive of same sort)..

It is time to take back the Sovereignty of your State and then the nation(s); stop looking for others, especially scum like Newsome, Pelosi, Schiff, celebrities, to fix your lives. Are you not bored yet with being taken advantage of? Are you not sufficiently drained of resources, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically at the hands of liars, thieves and murderers? Are you not feeling any anger and ready to demand retributions over your states being overrun by illegals who many make more a month, with free housing and food than the average citizen of the Republic of the United States. Are you not tired and fed up yet of giving your God given rights and power to federal, international corporations, the UN, NATO, Congress and Senate state and federal levels who constantly create Machiavellian scenarios (they have an agenda, then they cause a situation that fits as the solution (perfect fit! How amazing!) that also allows their agenda to be the solution! Wow! What a coincidence! These people (? not sure about the People part) are psychic, amazing, or liars, thieves and murderers. Time to stand up and call out the shit on the shoes of life.

Who is making money, wealth on the upcoming Olympics, World Cup and Super Bowl, and the 15 minute cities initiatives? How much land will they need to use for these new endeavors?

And what about everytime there have been fires like in Maui, LA County, etc there are always blue beams of light (Direct Energy Weapon (signatures) D.E.W. and Drone activities? And why is that certain colored items never burn, like blue roofs but white and black, silver, etc ones do... curious eh? Does this insinuate that potential of the military also being traitors against the People of the Republic of the United States of America? Makes one really ponder the possibilities. How many judicial systems are involved in the creation, incorporation and the setting up of these mega events? Follow the monies, starting three years before these Calif fires and keep following contracts, deals, agreements that being files, including Stocks, Real Estate and taxes; are they paying taxes like you're having to pay taxes? If not why are you voting them into offices? LA Mayor was failure as your Congressman, why did you think she wouldn't also be a liar and thief as your mayor LA?

Maybe its too much work to think through all these details, I mean when would you find the time, between sports, entertainment, and drinking doing drugs, eating too much , and not exercising... it must be exhausting right?

Truthfully, it time to stand up and claim your place as Angelic Humanity who are the rightful owners of the Earth as the Stewards we are meant to be. Our founding fathers and mothers knew this would come to pass. Lethargy, laziness, letting others fix your problems would lead to treason, sedition, theft, murder, lies

Leaders across the state need to be sued for the outright destruction, with intent of the LA county. Take to task all involved. Follow all money trails. Including future deals already in the works; as of this date. All financial institutions, legal entities, insurance companies. All realtors involved with quick deed claims for decimated homes (Johnny on the spot!); (mighty convenient right?!!!. almost like it was planned! How weird! _ or how diabolical! All citizens of California need to start a class action suit against all levels of leadership or destroying their lives for pain, anguish, suffering for illegal alien burdens put upon them ; using taxpayer monies. For lack of support for fire safety. For the state allowing looting, not arresting felons, for the murders of their family, and loved ones, for the burdens put upon them by the government to support illegals . Why was the burden put upon the People? How much did the leadership, legal justice dept, judges, police leadership, DA's, commissioners, etc actually pay in taxes during these times of hardship from the illegal aliens invasion? Which makes one ponder, how much money actually went to these illegal aliens and how much is actually accounted for? Did any of the monies claimed to be paid to these "unfortunates" get skimmed off and end up as payoffs somewhere?

There should be clear consice accounting for every penny if not, looks like another investigation into potential theft at high levels, low levels... of those sworn to uphold the state and federal Constitution and your safety and well being... hmmmm, curiouser and curiouser

Going back to Maui ; who ended up with the properties that were decimated? How many are tied to the same people that went to Hawaii in the early 2000's for GMO corps? So many questions. I bet there are many more answers than questions when you really get into it... God Justice! When you face a judge in court, and he or she asks, "do you understand?" say; "I am cognizant of the words you used. I have full comprehension of the meaning of these words. I stand under God Authority and none other!" While we are speaking public Angelic Humanity power, sovereignty, what do you know about "Jury Trials?" "Power of the Jury"? A powerful process that was taken from the People purposefully I adamantly add by the D.O.J. in the guise (Machiavellian want something done then put my solution into place scenario) of "making a deal" to make it "Easier" for you. They have used judges to make things difficult if you don't take the "deal." Maybe this is another venue to open up for further litigious activities, to take down Goliath that stole our planet, Constitution and way of Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. God Joy! God Victory! God Freedom!

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If you know any trusted legitimate foundation websites for relief efforts to victims of the wildfires please post them or send me an email. Peace ☮️

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I don't know how Newscum thinks he can accomplish all the things mentioned in this post when he can't even keep California solvent or even keep it from burning up.

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What a Pathetic Joke that Newscum has made California with the Gollywood Eletes. Maybe that's another reason to burn everything so no history of Criminal Offences can be brought to the attention of the Public.. Watch this Space for the Future of other community organisations.

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This is some straight bullshit we as a human race need to put a stop to what’s about to unfold well it’s already happening but we need to come together and stop this madness

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I have been living under research into these models for the past ten years.

Ppl may think this might sound like a good idea in some respects but in reality it's going to be a living nightmare for people. Let me explain.

What they are talking about are systems of control and punishment where AI and some human operators keep people in line by systems that will monitor our behaviors and slowly 1 by 1 take your services offline. If you get big britches and decide something about society needs to change and dare to go online to question your leaders and organize against them they will do something like take your washer & dryer offline. If you miss a day at work they will heat your bed so hot as to make sleep impossible. A late library book? Well that could earn you a cold shower with no working hot water. Did you say you were rushed and skipped your morning prayers? Well that just earned you a cold lunch. No I'm not exaggerating by any means. These type of rewards and punishment systems are already being rolled out in other parts of the world.

This is the future of the criminal justice system and everyday life. It's not just about having everything 15 minutes away however taking away your driverless Uber / taxi to your job that is 15 minutes away will be a punishment for bad behavior, forcing people to walk.

You can only imagine how far they will take it as they they slowly 1 by 1 remove services for offenses. From lamps going down to your microwave and stove, ice maker,. Flipped off a cop? say goodbye to your beautiful fish tank and receive rapid vibrations shooting through your body for an hour or extreme thirst that you can't quench for 2 hours.

It is absolutely horrifying what they have planned for us.

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Never forget Newsome is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew and nothing will ever happen to him unless this protection is removed.

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Newsom should be behind bars for his neglect of his constituents. He failed miserably in the allocation of taxes as evidenced by this recent fire. NO WATER to quench the fires! Get out there and shout it from the rooftops! This was planned This was murder. This is psychopathy at its best.

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